Sunday, July 7, 2013

Short Update

Jarrod is doing well in his new area with his new companion, Elder Nash. His last area was split into a north and south district and he is "leading" the northern part and his former comp is taking the south side and is now the district leader. All four guys were in the place together until the apartment was ready for J and his comp to move into. They'd been able to drum up a good number of investigators there, and now he is starting pretty much from scratch again. That kind of seems to be his theme so far - set up a new area and getting it going and then moving on. He also was able to attend a Mission Conference where Elder David A Bednar spoke. It was one of those conferences where you come away totally pumped up to go out and be a better person. Jarrod was almost able to get to see his Uncle (who lives in Philadelphia) there at the conference, but due to work, his uncle missed it! Neither one of them realized they were both going to be there until after the fact, though. And now his uncle is moving to Cali, so they really won't get to see each other for a while. So close, yet so far. It's all good. He's in good spirits and is totally immersed in the work. It's a joy to see him so happy and positive, motivated to improve himself and learning to love unconditionally. His new address is: 996 Freeport Road Apt. 3 Freeport, PA 16229-1830

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